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Watts Works (LMS)

We offer extensive training for engineers and contractors including both hands-on factory training as well as an online learning center where technicians can keep skills and certifications up-to-date through eLearning courses, videos and other helpful tools.

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We’re Celebrating 150 Years with 150+ Winners!

Throughout 2024, you can earn tickets for every training you complete on Watts Works, our online learning platform where you can find exciting courses from PVI and other Watts brands. The tickets can be redeemed for entries into our monthly, quarterly, and grand prize sweepstakes. One ticket equals one entry to win the prize of your choice! Learn more


Cobrex Brief Product Intro

Cobrex Detailed Product Intro

Cobrex Startup and Maintenance

Cobrex Storage Product Overview

Cobrex Storage Startup

Conquest Water Heater Startup

Conquest 100 Gallon Series Startup - Temptrac Controller

Conquest 100 Gallon Startup with EOS

Conquest 130 Gallon Startup with EOS

Conquest Electronic Operating System EOS

TempTrac Electronic Controller

Troubleshooting the TempTrac AL2 Alarm